Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Skyrim SE: The Old Orc

This is one of my favorite builds. It is my default new game build in any Elder Scrolls game. This is a two-handed orc warrior. I know it sounds basic as hell, but you gotta start somewhere and this is a s good a place as any.

Backstory and Roleplaying: The Old Orc was a prominent war chief in his clan that bordered Skyrim in the south of High Rock. He was undefeated and had earned his place as leader of the clan. However, one fateful day he was challenged by a young up-and-coming warrior. His challenger was faster, stronger, and full of vigor. It took all the Old Orc had just to stand his ground and ultimately fell defeated.
     His wounds were not fatal, but he knew that his days as a warrior were gone. In his mind he only had one choice: he left the clan and traveled across the boarder of Skyrim to seek out a good death. For there is no shame greater for an orc than dying old.
     As he crossed the boarder he found himself in the middle of a skirmish between two warring factions of Skyrim. As he looked out over the battle, he felt a a berserker rage come over him. The scent of battle must have triggered his state. He rushed into the battlefield caring not for what side he fought. He killed indiscriminately hoping to come across a warrior worthy of his talents. For what better death could there be other than dying in battle?
     However, he was not killed in the battle, but instead knocked unconscious from behind. The next thing he knew, he was being carted off to Helgen for execution.
     He seethed in anger for the whole trip. Execution by way of decapitation was NOT a worthy death for an orsmer warrior. As his head met the rough wood of the chopping block, he wondered what punishment Malacath might have in store for him for dying like a coward.
     However, before the headsman could deliver the final blow a shockwave, accompanied by what was once thought of as an extinct creature, knocked everyone to the ground. In the ensuing chaos, the Old Orc escaped Helgen with a new idea in mind. For what could be a better death for an orc than falling in battle to a dragon?

Race: Obviously I picked Orc, not only for roleplaying reasons, but also because Berserker Rage is an incredible racial ability. For 60 seconds you deal 2x damage and take 1/2 damage. If you aren't keen on roleplaying, other good race choices are: Breton (for the magic resist), Nord (fort he frost resist), or Argonian (for the rapid healing of the Hist Skin ability)

Standing Stone: In the early game, choose The Warrior for faster leveling, but later you should choose either The Lord or The Atronach. This time I give the advantage to The Lord because this character won't be reaching the armor cap, so the extra armor and spell resist is more useful for this one.

Stat Distribution: Put your points into Health and Stamina at a 2:1 ratio until you hit about 200 Stamina and them put everything else into Health.

Major Skills: Most of your skills will be distributed between Light Armor, Two-Handed, Block, and Smithing.
     Level Light Armor to lvl 100 and take the following perks: Agile Defender 5/5 (increase armor by 100%), Custom Fit (25% increase to armor if wearing all light armor), Matching Set (25% increase in armor if wearing a matching set), Unhindered (light armor is weightless), Wind Walker: (Stamina regens 50% faster), Deft Movement (change to avoid all damage of an attack).
     Level Two-Handed to level 100 and take the following perks: Barbarian 5/5 (increase weapon damage by 100%), Champion's Stance (power attacks cost 25% less stamina), Devastating Blow (standing power attacks do 25% more damage and can decapitate the enemy), Sweep (sideways power attacks can hit multiple enemies), Warmaster (backward power attacks can paralyze the enemy). Don't bother with Deep Wounds, Limbsplitter, or Skullcrusher. Their effects aren't worth it.
     Level Block to at least lvl 70 and take the following perks: Shield Wall 1/5 (blocking is 20% more effective), Quick Reflexes (if blocking while enemy is power attacking, time slows), Power Bash (stun an enemy with a bash), Deadly Bash (power bash does 5x more damage), and Disarming Bash (a chance to disarm an enemy on a bash).
     Level Smithing to 100, but only take perks up to Advanced Armors so you can make scaled armor and improve it twice as much and Arcane Blacksmith so you can upgrade enchanted items.
     In my play-through I eventually diversified out into Enchanting so I could level more. If this interests you, level to 100 and take the middle tree up to Extra Effect.

Weapons: In the early game I used Volendrung. It's very powerful and absorbs stamina. However, as soon as you can find one, get a two-handed weapon that has Paralyze on it. It's a super fun way to play the game.
     On my playthrough I diversified into enchanting, so I picked up the Longhammer and enchanted it with Fiery Soul Trap and Paralyze. The Longhammer the second fastest swinging two handed weapons and can out DPS the Daedric Warhammer. The increased swing speed means that you are more likely proc Paralyze and Soul Trap combined with Azura's Star means that you will never run out of charge on your weapon.

Armor: This one is pretty easy, just use a full set of scaled armor. Try to find a ring that is enchanted with Fortify Two-Handed and wear the Gaulder Amulet for the extra 30 points to each of your stats. If you do end up diversifying out into Enchanting, enchant your armor with Fortify Light Armor so that you can get a little more added defense.

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