Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Witcher 3: Euphoria Combat Build

This build is meant to be played in New Game Plus, otherwise there is no way you will be able to unlock all ability slots on regular new game. At the end of the build guide I will include an image of a viable version for regular new game.

Row 1: Start off by maxing out Muscle Memory. You wont be using this later in the game because 25% isn't all that much of an increase compared to what you will get later, and we want to free some slots up later. However, we want to get further down the tree, so max it out for now. Next, move over and grab Resolve. This will ensure that you don't lose adrenaline points when you get hit.

Row 2: Next, max out both Precise Blows and Heavy Blows, these will increase critical chance by 10% and critical damage by 75% for light and heavy attacks respectively. The critical chance isn't so useful to us later, but stacking critical damage is perfect for this build.

Row 3: Next, max out Whirl. This is the bread and butter of this build. It allows you to preform an alternate fast attack and absolutely wrecks groups of enemies. It consumes stamina, but if you have adrenaline points, they will be consumed in order to prolong Whirl's effect. Move over and grab Rend. This is perfect for enemies that like to fight defensively (i.e. Trolls and those obnoxious humanoids that use shields). It allows you to preform an alternate heavy attack that winds up and deals devastating damage. It also has a 50% chance to critical and will deal more damage if you have adrenaline points available. Next grab Razor Focus. This will increase adrenaline point gain by 25% on sword blows and automatically start you with 1 adrenaline point at the start of battle.

Row 4: Grab Sunder Armor. This will cause heavy attacks to reduce enemies armor by 25% which will ultimately increase your damage. And finally, take Deadly Precision. This will grant a 2% change to instantly kill an enemy per adrenaline point (max of 6%). I can't tell you how many times this has taken effect just in time when I was taking on an enemy that was way to high a level for me.

This is what your tree should look like once you are done with combat:

Row 1: First take Heightened Tolerance. This will make it so you don't take damage by having too high a toxicity, however you actually won't use this and I will explain why later, you just need the points in the tree to move down another row. Take Acquired Tolerance. This will increase your max toxicity based on the number of alchemy formula you have. Using this, the Manticore Armor, and Metabolic Control, you can have a toxicity over 300 and run 4 decoctions at once and a potion. This skill is also imperative to make Euphoria reach it's max potential.

Row 2: Next, grab Refreshment. This makes all potions heal you for 25% health, but again you won't use this. It's just to get down the tree. Grab Tissue Transmutation. For each decoction you take, you will increase your health by 1000. This means with 4 decoctions we will gain 4000 extra health. Next take Endure Pain. This will increase your health by 50% of your max heath if your toxicity is over the safe limit (75%). This skill will not work if you have Heightened Tolerance because, that raises toxicity save limit to 100% and you cannot get higher, so Endure Pain doesn't kick in.

Row 3: On the next row down, take Synergy. This will increase the effect of your mutagens by 50%. This means that once this build is done, you should have attack up by 60% on two bars and 45% on another, with an increase of 675 health on your last bar.

Row 4: On the last row, make sure to take Killing Spree. As long as your toxicity is above 0, every time you kill an enemy you will increase critical chance by 50%. So when fighting mobs you can have a 100% critical chance in two kills with no armor bonuses. This last skill is up to  you. I like to use Cluster Bombs because this build uses Superior Northern Wind for crowd control and having my bombs affect a much larger area is awesome. Another good option is Adaptation. It will increase the length of decoctions by 50%, so you don't have to reapply then as often.

Once you are finished with Alchemy, your tree should look like this:

Ignore this. With Euphoria your sign intensity is so high that you don't need to invest in this. Also this build doesn't use it much. Must just Quen.

From this tree, first take Metabolic Control. This will increase your toxicity by 30 points. Then take Cat School Techniques. This will increase your fast attack damage by 5% and critical damage by 25% for each piece of light armor you are wearing.

Arrange your skills in the tree like such:

This build uses Euphoria. By far the best mutation in the game for an Alchemy build. For each point of toxicity you have, you will gain .75% extra melee damage and sign intensity. Ultimately you will have around 250% increased attack power when fully prepped for battle.

The only bomb that this build uses is Superior Northern Wind. This bomb will freeze enemies for 10 seconds and has a slight chance to instantly kill an enemy. With enemies frozen, it's quite easy instantly kill them with a well placed Rend.

The decoctions this build uses are as follows:
- Chort Decoction: this will grand immunity to stagger which is great when you use Whirl a lot. It is very easy to get staggered out of Whirl, but this decoction will help with that.
- Ekimmara Decoction: dealing damage to enemies will heal you.
- Troll Decoction: +100 health regeneration out of combat. +20 health regeneration in combat. This will neutralize the poisoning effect of having too much toxicity.
- Succubus Decoction: Increases damage dealt over the course of the fight.

The potions don't really matter much, you just need something in order to make your potion toxicity over 0%. Decoction toxicity and potion toxicity are two different things and Killing Spree won't activate if you don't have potion toxicity.

For the armor, this build uses the Manticore set. The main appeal here is that it increases critical damage and toxicity. With this armor you should be able to run all of the decoctions and potions I mentioned before.

As for the glyphword for the armor, go with Levity, this will cause the armor to be counted as light armor meaning that you get all the bonuses from Cat School Techniques as well as the faster stamina regeneration that comes with light armor.

As for the other glyph slots on your armor, fill them with Greater Glyphs of Mending. These will increase vitality regeneration by 3 for each one used.You should be able to use a maximum of 6 of these.

For the silver sword use Aerondight. This is the best silver sword in the game. It works similarly to the Bloobath mutation in that every time you hit an enemy, you gain attack power up to an upper limit. If you are hit, you will lose some of that attack power you accumulated. If you kill an enemy with a fully charged Aeronight, it will level the damage of the sword permanently.

As for the runeword for this sword, enchant it with Severance. This will increase the range for Rend and Whirl.

For the steel sword use the crafted version of Toussant Knight's Steel Sword. It gives armor piercing, a chance to cause burning, and increases critical damage.

As for the runeword, you can give Severance to this one too, but I like Preservation because it lets you keep your buffs from workbenches and grindstones indefinitely.

As promised here is a downgraded version of the build for regular new game.


  1. This is exactly what i needed. Thanks so much for taking the time to post it. Youd think with how popular this game is and how many sold there would be easier guides and builds to find but ive had trouble. Thanks again!!! Works perfect.

  2. Thank you, it's just what I needed!

  3. Great build! I tweaked it a bit to suit my personal play style, really just the glyphwords and runes, and boy is this thing fun!

    1. Also, instead of using the levity enchantment on Manticore, I take all my decoctions/potions then switch over to my Cat gear. Everything stays as though you're still wearing Manticore (just shows your toxicity over 100%) but now I have the attack bonuses from Cat gear as well.

  4. I am having one issue though...despite having taken the troll decoction, it doesn't seem to counter my toxicity drain when I get into battle. As soon as I draw my sword, my vitology starts dropping. I ended up adding Gourmet to my tree in place of the bomb perk as I don't use bombs that often anyway. That seems to have worked. My vitolagy is increasing during battle now.
