Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Witcher 3: Euphoria Combat Build

This build is meant to be played in New Game Plus, otherwise there is no way you will be able to unlock all ability slots on regular new game. At the end of the build guide I will include an image of a viable version for regular new game.

Row 1: Start off by maxing out Muscle Memory. You wont be using this later in the game because 25% isn't all that much of an increase compared to what you will get later, and we want to free some slots up later. However, we want to get further down the tree, so max it out for now. Next, move over and grab Resolve. This will ensure that you don't lose adrenaline points when you get hit.

Row 2: Next, max out both Precise Blows and Heavy Blows, these will increase critical chance by 10% and critical damage by 75% for light and heavy attacks respectively. The critical chance isn't so useful to us later, but stacking critical damage is perfect for this build.

Row 3: Next, max out Whirl. This is the bread and butter of this build. It allows you to preform an alternate fast attack and absolutely wrecks groups of enemies. It consumes stamina, but if you have adrenaline points, they will be consumed in order to prolong Whirl's effect. Move over and grab Rend. This is perfect for enemies that like to fight defensively (i.e. Trolls and those obnoxious humanoids that use shields). It allows you to preform an alternate heavy attack that winds up and deals devastating damage. It also has a 50% chance to critical and will deal more damage if you have adrenaline points available. Next grab Razor Focus. This will increase adrenaline point gain by 25% on sword blows and automatically start you with 1 adrenaline point at the start of battle.

Row 4: Grab Sunder Armor. This will cause heavy attacks to reduce enemies armor by 25% which will ultimately increase your damage. And finally, take Deadly Precision. This will grant a 2% change to instantly kill an enemy per adrenaline point (max of 6%). I can't tell you how many times this has taken effect just in time when I was taking on an enemy that was way to high a level for me.

This is what your tree should look like once you are done with combat:

Row 1: First take Heightened Tolerance. This will make it so you don't take damage by having too high a toxicity, however you actually won't use this and I will explain why later, you just need the points in the tree to move down another row. Take Acquired Tolerance. This will increase your max toxicity based on the number of alchemy formula you have. Using this, the Manticore Armor, and Metabolic Control, you can have a toxicity over 300 and run 4 decoctions at once and a potion. This skill is also imperative to make Euphoria reach it's max potential.

Row 2: Next, grab Refreshment. This makes all potions heal you for 25% health, but again you won't use this. It's just to get down the tree. Grab Tissue Transmutation. For each decoction you take, you will increase your health by 1000. This means with 4 decoctions we will gain 4000 extra health. Next take Endure Pain. This will increase your health by 50% of your max heath if your toxicity is over the safe limit (75%). This skill will not work if you have Heightened Tolerance because, that raises toxicity save limit to 100% and you cannot get higher, so Endure Pain doesn't kick in.

Row 3: On the next row down, take Synergy. This will increase the effect of your mutagens by 50%. This means that once this build is done, you should have attack up by 60% on two bars and 45% on another, with an increase of 675 health on your last bar.

Row 4: On the last row, make sure to take Killing Spree. As long as your toxicity is above 0, every time you kill an enemy you will increase critical chance by 50%. So when fighting mobs you can have a 100% critical chance in two kills with no armor bonuses. This last skill is up to  you. I like to use Cluster Bombs because this build uses Superior Northern Wind for crowd control and having my bombs affect a much larger area is awesome. Another good option is Adaptation. It will increase the length of decoctions by 50%, so you don't have to reapply then as often.

Once you are finished with Alchemy, your tree should look like this:

Ignore this. With Euphoria your sign intensity is so high that you don't need to invest in this. Also this build doesn't use it much. Must just Quen.

From this tree, first take Metabolic Control. This will increase your toxicity by 30 points. Then take Cat School Techniques. This will increase your fast attack damage by 5% and critical damage by 25% for each piece of light armor you are wearing.

Arrange your skills in the tree like such:

This build uses Euphoria. By far the best mutation in the game for an Alchemy build. For each point of toxicity you have, you will gain .75% extra melee damage and sign intensity. Ultimately you will have around 250% increased attack power when fully prepped for battle.

The only bomb that this build uses is Superior Northern Wind. This bomb will freeze enemies for 10 seconds and has a slight chance to instantly kill an enemy. With enemies frozen, it's quite easy instantly kill them with a well placed Rend.

The decoctions this build uses are as follows:
- Chort Decoction: this will grand immunity to stagger which is great when you use Whirl a lot. It is very easy to get staggered out of Whirl, but this decoction will help with that.
- Ekimmara Decoction: dealing damage to enemies will heal you.
- Troll Decoction: +100 health regeneration out of combat. +20 health regeneration in combat. This will neutralize the poisoning effect of having too much toxicity.
- Succubus Decoction: Increases damage dealt over the course of the fight.

The potions don't really matter much, you just need something in order to make your potion toxicity over 0%. Decoction toxicity and potion toxicity are two different things and Killing Spree won't activate if you don't have potion toxicity.

For the armor, this build uses the Manticore set. The main appeal here is that it increases critical damage and toxicity. With this armor you should be able to run all of the decoctions and potions I mentioned before.

As for the glyphword for the armor, go with Levity, this will cause the armor to be counted as light armor meaning that you get all the bonuses from Cat School Techniques as well as the faster stamina regeneration that comes with light armor.

As for the other glyph slots on your armor, fill them with Greater Glyphs of Mending. These will increase vitality regeneration by 3 for each one used.You should be able to use a maximum of 6 of these.

For the silver sword use Aerondight. This is the best silver sword in the game. It works similarly to the Bloobath mutation in that every time you hit an enemy, you gain attack power up to an upper limit. If you are hit, you will lose some of that attack power you accumulated. If you kill an enemy with a fully charged Aeronight, it will level the damage of the sword permanently.

As for the runeword for this sword, enchant it with Severance. This will increase the range for Rend and Whirl.

For the steel sword use the crafted version of Toussant Knight's Steel Sword. It gives armor piercing, a chance to cause burning, and increases critical damage.

As for the runeword, you can give Severance to this one too, but I like Preservation because it lets you keep your buffs from workbenches and grindstones indefinitely.

As promised here is a downgraded version of the build for regular new game.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Skyrim SE: Alternus - The Black Knight (My Personal Build)

This is the build that I used in my first structured play-through of the game and first build I created. It is what I use every time I start a game on a new version. It is incredibly powerful; powerful enough to use on Legendary difficulty without much trouble.

Race: Go for Breton. Their racial abilities become useless in the late game for this build, but it is invaluable in the early game for Legendary difficulty. They have a 25% resistance to magic and can use their racial ability to gain 50% magicka absorption for 1 minute. We will be achieving 100% magicka absorption later on, so this will be useless.

Standing Stone: I took the Lord Stone straight out of the gate for the extra magicka resistance and armor. I skipped the warrior stone because you level combat abilities really quickly on Legendary due to how many times you have to hit the enemy, and leveling too quickly is kind of a detriment on legendary since enemies scale to your level. The longer you can avoid going up against Draugr Death Lords the better. Later, you should grab the Atronach Stone. If you combine that with the Atronach perk in the Alteration tree and then add Vampire/Necromage combo to it, you will have 100% magicka absorption and spells will no longer affect you.

Stat Distribution: Ignore Magicka, it's useless here. Instead put all of your points into Health and Stamina at a 4:1 ratio, respectively. At lvl 50 you should have 200 Stamina and 490 health.


Weapon: As soon as you hit lvl 20, do the Daedric quest to get the Ebony Blade. This weapon may not be the best when it comes to physical damage, but it hits very fast and absorbs 30 health for every hit. As long as you are hitting the enemy, you can't die.

Armor: In the early game, I rad to Solitude and got the Imperial Champion armor from the Creation Club. It is very good armor, but it has it's own enchantments on it already. Once you can get some Daedric armor and have high enchanting, enchant your own gear and ditch the Imperial Champion Armor.

Enchantments: Enchant any piece of armor you can with Fortify Two-Handed. This will make the Ebony Blade's Physical damage more usable. Also get Stamina Regeneration on your armor to mitigate the negative effects of being a vampire in the day time. The health regen problem will be taken care of by the sword and the magicka regen problem won't matter.

Skyrim SE: Paladin of Stendarr (Creation Club Build)

Warning: this build utilizes items only obtainable via the exchange of real life currency in the Creation Club. I am aware of the general distaste of the Creation Club and its products, I just don't care. If you care that much about it, I am sure there are some free mods that can do something similar.

Race: I chose the Breton for their tank abilities. They have a natural 25% resist to all magic and an active ability that grants 50% spell absorption. Since this build does not use the necromage/vampire ability to reach 100% spell absorption, their passive will be much more useful than in other builds I have used. If combined with the Atronach Stone, their active ability will stack and you can achieve 100% spell absorption for 60 seconds that way.

Standing Stone: This character utilizes both magic and combat abilities, so grab the lover stone ASAP after you leave Helgen. This will increase the rate at which you gain EXP for all skills by 15%. Later - and I know this is an obvious choice - grab the Atronach Stone for 50% magicka absorption.

Stats: Distribute your stats at a 2:2:1 ratio in Health/Stamina/Magicka. Stamina will be imperative because Stendarr's Hammer uses stamina of every swing (plus it weighs a whopping 100 units). Magicka is less important though quite useful. We will need it to heal and use Stendarr's Aura, but not for anything else, so 1 level every 5 levels will be more than enough. Health is also quite important because Stendarr's Hammer swings quite slowly, so you will likely be taking quite a few hits. By level 50 you should have 200 Magicka, 300 Health, & 300 Stamina without any additions from enchantments.


Spells: This build utilizes restoration exclusively for it's magic. In the early game, use the basic Healing spell, but ultimately go for Close Wounds for your personal heals. Vampires Bane and Stendarr's Aura from the Dawnguard DLC will be your main offensive spells.

Weapon: Your main weapon is going to be Stendarr's Hammer. It is a power 2-handed weapon you can buy from the Creation Club. Be warned, it costs stamina every swing much like combat in Oblivion. It also weighs 100 units, so you won't be looting much.

Armor: Wear the Heavy Armor variant of the Crusader Armor from the Creation Club. It has it's own enchantments which is why there are very little enchantment perks chosen. There is also a light armor shield that you can wear on your back and it will add just a little extra armor rating, hence the perks taken from the Light Armor tree.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Skyrim SE: The Old Orc

This is one of my favorite builds. It is my default new game build in any Elder Scrolls game. This is a two-handed orc warrior. I know it sounds basic as hell, but you gotta start somewhere and this is a s good a place as any.

Backstory and Roleplaying: The Old Orc was a prominent war chief in his clan that bordered Skyrim in the south of High Rock. He was undefeated and had earned his place as leader of the clan. However, one fateful day he was challenged by a young up-and-coming warrior. His challenger was faster, stronger, and full of vigor. It took all the Old Orc had just to stand his ground and ultimately fell defeated.
     His wounds were not fatal, but he knew that his days as a warrior were gone. In his mind he only had one choice: he left the clan and traveled across the boarder of Skyrim to seek out a good death. For there is no shame greater for an orc than dying old.
     As he crossed the boarder he found himself in the middle of a skirmish between two warring factions of Skyrim. As he looked out over the battle, he felt a a berserker rage come over him. The scent of battle must have triggered his state. He rushed into the battlefield caring not for what side he fought. He killed indiscriminately hoping to come across a warrior worthy of his talents. For what better death could there be other than dying in battle?
     However, he was not killed in the battle, but instead knocked unconscious from behind. The next thing he knew, he was being carted off to Helgen for execution.
     He seethed in anger for the whole trip. Execution by way of decapitation was NOT a worthy death for an orsmer warrior. As his head met the rough wood of the chopping block, he wondered what punishment Malacath might have in store for him for dying like a coward.
     However, before the headsman could deliver the final blow a shockwave, accompanied by what was once thought of as an extinct creature, knocked everyone to the ground. In the ensuing chaos, the Old Orc escaped Helgen with a new idea in mind. For what could be a better death for an orc than falling in battle to a dragon?

Race: Obviously I picked Orc, not only for roleplaying reasons, but also because Berserker Rage is an incredible racial ability. For 60 seconds you deal 2x damage and take 1/2 damage. If you aren't keen on roleplaying, other good race choices are: Breton (for the magic resist), Nord (fort he frost resist), or Argonian (for the rapid healing of the Hist Skin ability)

Standing Stone: In the early game, choose The Warrior for faster leveling, but later you should choose either The Lord or The Atronach. This time I give the advantage to The Lord because this character won't be reaching the armor cap, so the extra armor and spell resist is more useful for this one.

Stat Distribution: Put your points into Health and Stamina at a 2:1 ratio until you hit about 200 Stamina and them put everything else into Health.

Major Skills: Most of your skills will be distributed between Light Armor, Two-Handed, Block, and Smithing.
     Level Light Armor to lvl 100 and take the following perks: Agile Defender 5/5 (increase armor by 100%), Custom Fit (25% increase to armor if wearing all light armor), Matching Set (25% increase in armor if wearing a matching set), Unhindered (light armor is weightless), Wind Walker: (Stamina regens 50% faster), Deft Movement (change to avoid all damage of an attack).
     Level Two-Handed to level 100 and take the following perks: Barbarian 5/5 (increase weapon damage by 100%), Champion's Stance (power attacks cost 25% less stamina), Devastating Blow (standing power attacks do 25% more damage and can decapitate the enemy), Sweep (sideways power attacks can hit multiple enemies), Warmaster (backward power attacks can paralyze the enemy). Don't bother with Deep Wounds, Limbsplitter, or Skullcrusher. Their effects aren't worth it.
     Level Block to at least lvl 70 and take the following perks: Shield Wall 1/5 (blocking is 20% more effective), Quick Reflexes (if blocking while enemy is power attacking, time slows), Power Bash (stun an enemy with a bash), Deadly Bash (power bash does 5x more damage), and Disarming Bash (a chance to disarm an enemy on a bash).
     Level Smithing to 100, but only take perks up to Advanced Armors so you can make scaled armor and improve it twice as much and Arcane Blacksmith so you can upgrade enchanted items.
     In my play-through I eventually diversified out into Enchanting so I could level more. If this interests you, level to 100 and take the middle tree up to Extra Effect.

Weapons: In the early game I used Volendrung. It's very powerful and absorbs stamina. However, as soon as you can find one, get a two-handed weapon that has Paralyze on it. It's a super fun way to play the game.
     On my playthrough I diversified into enchanting, so I picked up the Longhammer and enchanted it with Fiery Soul Trap and Paralyze. The Longhammer the second fastest swinging two handed weapons and can out DPS the Daedric Warhammer. The increased swing speed means that you are more likely proc Paralyze and Soul Trap combined with Azura's Star means that you will never run out of charge on your weapon.

Armor: This one is pretty easy, just use a full set of scaled armor. Try to find a ring that is enchanted with Fortify Two-Handed and wear the Gaulder Amulet for the extra 30 points to each of your stats. If you do end up diversifying out into Enchanting, enchant your armor with Fortify Light Armor so that you can get a little more added defense.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Skyrim SE Build: The Mercenary

For this one, we're going back to basics. Even though this is a rather obvious build, it has taken me 7 years and nearly 2,000 hours of gameplay to finally get around to making this build; and let me tell you, it's one of my favorites I've played yet. This is a classic Sword and Board warrior build. It's usually one of the first types of builds a new player will use, but surprisingly I never have until now.

Backstory and Roleplaying: The Mercenary grew up in Skyrim. At a young age he was orphaned and left to live on the streets. Here he learned to do whatever it took to survive. He began taking on odd jobs to earn money and as he grew, established himself as an accomplished mercenary. He was known to never turn down a job as long as the money was good. Morality never entered the equation for him.

     He spend years in this way of life until one day he met a young Imperial woman who wanted to hire him to find a family heirloom. There was something special about this girl and he resolved to keep in touch with her even after the job was done. As it turns out, a few years later he married that girl and they moved back to Cyrodiill. He gave up his mercenary life and started a farm. They spent several happy years together and even had two children. Unfortunately, as fate would have it, the Imperial woman contracted a deadly disease that left the mercenary alone to raise their son and daughter.

     Years pass and the Mercenary is struggling to provide for his children. Farming wasn't making enough money and they had just lost most of their livestock to sickness. It was at this time that the Mercenary got word of a heft bounty placed on the head of a Redgard woman who had fled from Hammerfell. He didn't want to return to his former way of life, but he know he didn't have any other way to provide for his children. So it was resolved; he sent his children to stay at a friend's farm and set out to the northern boarder of Cyrodiil to track down his prey. He had always wanted to return to his homeland, but he never thought it would be in this way.

     As he approached the boarder he heard the familiar sounds of battle. As he looked out over the valley before him, a grizzly scene lay sprawled over the countryside. A small regiment of Nord warriors were fighting tooth and nail against a much larger Imperial force who had them surrounded. He barely had time to take in the full scene when he was thrown from his horse and knocked unconscious. The next thing he knew, he was being carted to Helgen for execution.

     As he approached the chopping block, he sent up one last prayer to Talos and filled his head with thoughts of the children he thought he would never see again and the wife that he would be joining soon. However, this was not his time to die. As if Akatosh himself had ordained it, a dragon interrupted the executor mid swing, giving the Mercenary enough time to escape to safety before the town was reduced to rubble.

Race: This one doesn't matter so much. There are several options, but I think Breton is the best class to use for most tank-related builds due to it's 25% resistance to magic and the ability to reach 100% spell absorption when combining their racial ability with the Atronach Stone. However, on my playthrough I chose a Nord for role-playing reasons that I will detail later in this post. Nords are probably the second best choice due to their 50% resistance to frost damage. Frost damage is the most deadly form of damage for a warrior because it depletes stamina and slows them down, so having a resistance to frost is quite useful. Orcs would be a good third choice because of their Berserker Rage ability that gives them double-damage output and half-damage intake for one minute, however you can only use this one per day, so it's usefulness is limited. Finally a Dark Elf can services just fine due to their racial passive and gives them 50% resistance to fire, but it is significantly less useful then the aforementioned abilities.

Standing Stone: In the early game, choose the Warrior Stone for faster leveling, but eventually you will want to take either the Lord Stone or the Atronach Stone. I give the advantage to the Atronach Stone because it stays useful for longer. The Lord stone will give you better spell and physical resistance which is great in the early to mid game, but eventually you will hit the armor cap and the Lord Stone will only be half as useful. The Atronach Stone gives you a 50% chance to absorb a spell rather than take damage, and as we all know, magic is the bane of a warrior. I know that at this point the Atronach Stone is kind of a cliche, but it is literally the best standing stone for 99% of all builds.

Major Skills: This one is a rather simple build. All you really have to worry about is Heavy Armor, Block, and One-Handed. If you plan on playing this build on legendary, I would throw in Alteration, Enchanting, and Alchemy.

     Level Heavy Armor to 100 and take the following perks: Juggernaut 5/5 (increase armor by 100%), Well Fitted (25% armor boost if wearing all heavy armor), Tower of Strength (50% less stagger), Matching Set (25% armor boost if wearing a matching armor set), and Reflecting Blows (a chance to reflect damage back at the enemy).

     Level Block to at least 70 and take the following perks: Shield Wall 5/5 (blocking is 40% more effective), Deflect Arrows (take no damage from arrows that hit your shield), Elemental Protection (increase magic defense by 50% when blocking), Block Runner (move at full speed while blocking), Power Bash (stun the enemy with a shield bash), Deadly Bash (shield bash does 5x more damage), and Disarming Bash (a chance to disarm the enemy). Quick Reflexes and Shield Charge are optional, but not necessary.

     Level One-Handed to 100 and take the following perks: Armsmen 5/5 (weapons do 100% more damage), Fighting Stance (power attacks cost 25% less stamina), Savage Strike (25% more damage with standing power attacks and have the chance to decapitate enemy), Paralyzing Strike (a chance to paralyze an enemy). Don't bother with perks like Bladesmen, Hack & Slash, and Bone Breaker. The game calculates critical damage weird, so the extra critical chance from Bladesmen is completely pointless. The bleed damage from Hack and Slash will become inconsequential once you reach mid-game. And finally, the majority of enemies in the game aren't wearing much armor, so the ignoring armor benefit from Bone Breaker wont give you that much benefit.

     If you are playing on Legendary - Level Alteration to 100 and follow the tree up until you get Magic Resistance 3/3 (20% more magic resistance) and Atronach (30% more magicka absorption). Then level Alchemy to 60 and take Alchemist 4/5 (80% stronger potions), Physician (25% more powerful health and stamina potions), Benefactor (25% more powerful self-buff potions), Poisoner (25% more powerful poisons), Concentrated Poison (poisons last longer). Finally, level Enchanting to 100 and take Enchanter 5/5 (100% stronger Enchantments), Fire/Frost/Shock Enchanter (25% stronger elemental enchantments), Insightful Enchanter (25% stronger armor enchantments), Corpus Enchanter (Stamina/Health enchantments are 25% more powerful), and finally Extra Effect (enchant an item with 2 enchantments).

Stat Distribution: Evenly level Stamina and Health until you feel like your stamina is at a level you are comfortable with and then dump the rest into Health. Don't touch Magicka. Only milk-drinkers level Magicka.

Weapons: For an Adept play-through, I chose to use Chillrend along side the Mace of Molag Bal. I kept the black variant of Azura's Star on hand so that I could use the Mace to soul trap enemies to recharge my weapons. While not the most powerful sword stat-wise, Chillrend is still about the best sword in the game. Not only doe sit have a respectable base damage, but it inflicts frost damage (amount of damage is dependent on the level at which you find the weapon) as well as has the chance to paralyze the enemy. The Nightingale blade is also a good choice. It has slightly less base damage and also absorbs health and stamina. I would have used this, but I didn't like the way it looked. Also, the best one-handed weapon in the game is actually Windshear because it staggers the enemy every hit, but it's game-breaking so I didn't use it.

     For the shield I used the Shield of Ysgramor. It has 20% resist magic and fortify health. Spell Breaker would probably be a better choice because it can be upgraded, has higher defense, and creates a ward; however I also didn't like the way it looked, so it was a no-go for me.

     If you are playing on Legendary difficulty: It is important on this difficulty to craft and enchant your own gear. It will be far more powerful in the long run. I would craft a stalhrim weapon (sword, mace, or axe depending on your preference) and enchant it with Chaos Damage and Absorb Health. Chaos damage counts as a frost enchantment, so it will get a boost from being on a stalhrim weapon and that boost will extend to the Absorb Health enchantment. For the shield, you are rather limited on the enchantments that you can apply to it, so I would just stick with Spell Breaker. The ward it provides is more useful than any of the resistance enchantments you can put on a regular shield.

Armor: On my play-through, I own several Creation Club creations, so for the majority of my game I used the Silver Hand Vigilant Armor and eventually the Stormcloak Champion armor. However if you don't have these, Ancient Nord armor from the Dragonborn DLC is a great substitute.

     If you are playing on Legendary difficulty: Enchant your own armor with Fortify Destruction and Fortify One-Handed on any piece you can. You can get 100% reduction of destruction magic spell cost buy doing this and it will extend to your enchantments so that you will never lose charge on your weapon.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Skyrim SE Build: Magebreaker

Intoduction: This build is meant to be the antithesis of a mage in Skyrim. Designed specifically to hunt down pesky mages and send them to Oblivion. This build boasts high magic resistance and physical defense, though physical defense is secondary and not as essential as the magic defense. This build will effectively render the warrior's greatest weakness a non-issue.

Race: Although a Nord would be a perfect lore choice war a mage-hating warrior, I have chosen a Breton for this build. The Breton boasts a 25% resistance to all magic and a racial power, Dragonskin, that gives you a 50% chance to absorb all of the effects of a spell for 1 minute. As you can guess, these racial abilities are invaluable to a build like this

Standing Stone: Early in the game, you should choose the Warrior Stone so that your main skills level faster. Later, however, you should choose the Atronach Stone. This stone will give you 50 more magicka (which doesn't matter to you), a decreased magicka regen (which also doesn't affect you), but what you most want from this stone is the 50% magicka absorption. This in combination with the Dragonskin ability will will make you 100% resistant to magic for 1 minute.

Sills: The major skills of this build are Block, Alteration, and Enchanting. Minor skills are One-Handed, Heavy Armor, and Smithing.

Perks: For Block you should take: 5/5 Shield Wall (increases the effectiveness of your shield), Deflect Arrows (arrows will do no damage if they hit the shield), Elemental Protection (block 50% of magic damage), Shield Runner (move faster with shield raised), Shield Charge (sprint with shield raised to knock over enemies). Quick Reflexes (blocking during an enemies power attack slows time) is a nice perk that is completely unnecessary. Mages won't be using power attacks, but it's up to you whether or not you want to take this perk.
     Alteration may not make much sense for a mage-hater, but you will want to level this for the magic resistance perks. Take Novice Alteration up to Expert Alteration (reduce magicka cost for repective spell class), however these are just bridge skill to get to the ones you really want. Take 3/3 Magic Resistance (blocks 20% of a spell) so that your collective spell resistance with your racial passive is 45%. Take the Atronach perk at Alteration lvl 100 for an extra 30% magicka absorption. In combination with the Atronach Stone, you will have an 80% chance to completely negate a spell.
     I like leveling enchanting for all my builds, but it isn't necessary for this one. If you do end up leveling enchanting get Enchanter 5/5 (enchantments are 100% stronger), Insightful Enchanter (skill enchantments are 25% better), Corpus Enchanter (health, magicka, and stamina enchantments are 25% better), and if you really want to push yourself over into the god-tier, get the Extra Effect perk (add a second enchantment to your gear).
     For One-Handed take: 5/5 Armsman (100% more damage), Fighting Stance (power attacks cost 25% less stamina), and Savage Strike (standing power attacks do 25% more damage and might decapitate). This build uses a mace because that fits the name Magebreaker better, but I don't think that Bone Breaker is a necessary perk at all. This perk will ignore 75% of armor for maces, but mages don't typically wear armor, so this will be useless for that. However, if you want that perk for fighting other non-mage enemies, go for it.
     For Heavy Armor take: 5/5 Juggernaut (100% more armor rating), Well Fitted (25% increase if wearing all heavy armor), Tower of Strength (just a bridge perk), and Matching Set (25% increase if wearing all of the same type of armor).
     Smithing is a little more complicated. This one is completely dependent on how much you care about aesthetics. Dwarven armor will look the best with your shield (which I will explain later), but has far from the best armor rating. I personally use Ebony because it can easily reach the armor cap and doesn't require me to spend perks into Daedric or Dragon Bone Smithing. It is ultimately up to you. You can get dwarven armor raised to the armor cap with enchanting, but it is harder. At any rate, just take the perks up to the level of armor you intend to use. Also take Arcane Enchanter (allows for smithing of enchanted items)

Guilds: Before you do anything else in the game after the tutorial, do the companions quest line. It will get you access to the Shield of Ysgramor which will get you by until you get the shield you want. It has magic resistance, so it is very good for this build.
Image result for shield of ysgramor     You will want to have nothing to do with the College of Winterhold as they are all mages. If you don't mind getting a bounty, it might be fitting for the character to go to the College and massacre the mages, but it's up to you. I didn't do this because I personally chose to play a more virtuous character.
     As for any other guilds, it is completely dependent on how you want to roll play your character. I chose to play a good character, so I chose to destroy the Dark Brotherhood and didn't join the Thieves Guild. The Civil War quest line will completely depend on your own ideologies. I felt like a Breton would be more likely to join the Imperials, so that's what I did. Again, though, this is up to you.
     Make sure to do the Book of Love quests for the extra 15%  magic resistance it gives you. After this, you should have 60% magic resistance.

Gear: Your choice of heavy armor will depend on how much you value aesthetics. I personally recommend either Dwarven or Ebony. The former for visual appeal and the latter for actual defense. If you want to use mods, the Hedge Knight armor looks great and has a high armor rating, too.
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Image result for skyrim hedge knight armor
Weapon: I chose to use a mace for the weapon. It seemed to fit the name Magebreaker a lot better than a sword or axe. There are several choices for this. If you aren't running the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, Ebony has an advantage over Daedric because it will do the same damage, but is also lighter so it will swing faster. Dragon Bone will technically do the most damage, but it also weighs more. I don't think the minuscule amount of extra damage it does over Ebony or Daedric is worth the extra weight and slower swing speed. The best mace, however is the Stalhrim Mace. Despite looking like it was designed by a mentally challenged monkey, it's base damage is on par with daedric, while also being lighter. It also has a unique effect that gives any frost enchantments a 25% boost.
Image result for ebony maceImage result for stalhrim mace
Image result for spellbreakerAs for the shield, it is the bread and butter of this build. It is the Spellbreaker. You can get this shield from doing the daedric quests The Only Cure. It has one of the highest base armor ratings of any shield in the game, although it doesn't benefit from any smithing perk so it can't be double improved. However, that isn't the point of the build. The main reason we want this shield is because it also generates a ward that blocks spell up to 50 pts of damage.

     Head: Fortify Destruction 25%, Waterbreathing
     Hands: Fortify One-Handed, Fortify Heavy Armor
     Feet: Fortify One-Handed, Fortify Stamina Regen
     Body: Fortify Destruction 25%, Fortify Health
     Necklace: Fortify One-Handed, Fortify Destruction 25%
     Ring: Fortify One-Handed, Fortify Destruction 25%
     Weapon: Chaos Damage, Absorb/Damage Magicka

     It may seem a little strange to have fortify destruction on this character, but if you can get 100% reduction to destruction spell cost it will also apply to your enchantment meaning that you will never have to recharge it with a soul gem.
     As for the weapon enchantments, Chaos Damage is possibly the best damage enchantment in the game. It has a 50% change of doing fire, frost, or shock damage. That doesn't sound all that great until you realize that it is possible for all 3 effects to hit at the same time. Also it counts as a frost enchantment so it benefits from the Stalhrim's 25% boost. For your second enchantment get either drain magicka or damage magicka (whichever one is stronger), you will need to make sure those pesky mages can't cast spells.

Attributes: Finally you will want to distribute your attribute points evenly between health and stamina until you get to about 250 stamina and then dump the rest into health.